Monday, August 24, 2009

What I’m Watching: Monk

Monk: Season 8, Episode 3 “Mr. Monk and the UFO” (B+)

It’s about time Monk saw something truly out-of-this-world that isn’t just peculiar and unbelievable, but truly impossible. Having UFO fanatics swarm Monk with attention and scanners is brilliant, and the fact that even Natalie and Leland consider the fact that Monk actually fits the profile of an alien is pretty hilarious. Monk’s interaction with the mechanic and his refusal to apologize for thinking that he was stupid rather than saying it were certainly highlights of an episode filled with spectacular moments. One of the UFO enthusiasts was immediately recognizable as Radzinsky from the Dharma Initiative on “Lost,” and it was fun because I think he was wearing the same goggles he was wearing at the Swan when he was last seen in the show’s season finale. It’s a terrific reference because sci-fi devotees (perhaps some of the same people who believe in UFOs) are likely “Lost” fans, and it’s cool to have the two tie in to each other. “Monk” has been on the ball with “Lost” guest stars this season after Mr. Eko’s spectacular spot last week. I’m looking forward to the remainder of this series – it’s really so much fun.

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