Sunday, August 16, 2009

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 1, Episode 10 “Am I Blue?” (B+)

Once again, this show manages to incorporate so many different plot threads and move each part of the story forward. The return of Andrew McCarthy as Tucker’s dad makes fantastic use of the recurring youngster (and his very entertaining girlfriend). It makes sense that an addict with unlimited wealth would try to circumvent his recovery process and take a fast-tracked shortcut. Evidently, it wasn’t going to work out, but it’s a great step for the relationships between both Tucker and his dad and Tucker and Hank. Jill’s ethical ponderings about accepting Boris’ check keep her grounded as a philanthropic corporate employee, and Charlie’s ability to be seedy while still sounding charming is quite entertaining, and makes their interactions a pleasure to watch. The best scenes, as always, come from Evan and Divya. Evan’s desperate search to find a female friend is typical, but his newfound friendship with the topless Polish girl who turns blue is entirely unique and entirely amusing. The appearance of his new bud’s angry-looking boyfriend forced that terrific and unexpected kiss between Divya and Evan, and the only thing better than that was Divya’s subsequent flirtatious declaration that she doesn’t mix business with pleasure.

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