Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 2, Episode 7 “Release Me” (B+)

I just love how everything works on this show. The last five minutes really exemplify its awesomeness for me. I’m not as concerned with the death of Daphne and the questionable shooting of Jason. I’m talking about what happened after that. Sookie’s discovery that Hugo is the traitor wasn’t that much of a shocker, but it was still wonderfully presented in Sookie’s flashback mind-reading way. I love how Sookie sends out her call for aid, squinting her eyes and putting out her thoughts for Barry to hear. Barry’s unenthusiastic attempt to notify Bill resulted in Eric flying out the door to her rescue, which was terrific to see, and Bill’s maker grabbing him fiercely, presumably for lunch. The best part was the reveal that the vampire coming to Sookie’s rescue wasn’t Eric, but Godric. The vampires on this show are just terrifically cool. It’s continually intriguing to see more of Bill’s past and how he always was the forward-thinking, kind-hearted soul he is in the present day. Steve’s reaction to Sookie’s name being mentioned was quite intense, though it’s interesting that he wouldn’t know that already if Hugo was the spy all along. Regardless, I am curious about what Jason will do now (and whether he’s actually been shot). I’d love to see him join forces with Sookie and the other vampires, but I worry that all his time at church camp has in fact transformed him and he’ll no longer side with vampires. Back home, Andy’s perception of everything is quite a mystery since, as I’ve been constantly reminded of in my reading of user comments, only shape-shifters are unaffected by Maryann’s spell. I wonder what kind of latent powers he might have. Everything’s coming to a head, and the show’s only seven episodes into its season! How exciting that so much more is on its way! This show is really great.

Great news: “True Blood” will be back for a third season!

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