Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 2, Episode 9 “I Will Rise Up” (B+)

So, the bomb went off but it didn’t do as much damage as it could have. It’s a common occurrence on TV, a monumental event which takes place and wreaks havoc but manages not to kill off any major characters. This episode certainly didn’t lack in dramatic punch though, with one of the most stunning guest arcs I’ve seen recently coming to a poignant, powerful end as Godric decides that he’s ready to die. The final scene, just as brilliantly lit and filmed as the as the airport hangar sequence a few weeks ago, was simply incredible. Godric was so calm and relaxed, and even managed to make Eric cry. Their reversion to their native tongues was immensely moving, but nothing left more of a mark than Godric’s last words, declaring his joy at a human with real human tears being present at his end, still managing to surprise him after 2000 years. That scene will really stick with me for a while. The rest of the episode wasn’t quite as moving, but that’s to be expected. Eric’s manipulative ploy to establish a bond with Sookie didn’t really fit with the tone of the episode, but Sookie’s dream sequence managed to be less goofy than it could have been due to the dramatic skill of actor Alexander Skarsgard and the spooky presence of Lorena. Maryann’s antics are getting a bit freaky, and I’m pretty impressed with Lafayette’s bold move to take Tara away and enlist help from her mother. If her mom thought she was possessed last season, wait until she finds out what’s going on now. I’m thrilled that Sam sought out Andy for help, and I can’t wait to see what Andy really is and how they’re going to manage to take Maryann down. The most surprising part of the episode was Hoyt’s stunning show of defiance to his mother, which was alternately funny and intense. I’m really pleased with how Jessica is being incorporated into the show, even though she’s off on a bit of a tangential arc. I worried she’d distract from the show and from Bill, but for the moment, her storyline is far more connected than that of Maryann and crew, and it’s all proving to be extraordinarily interesting and compelling.

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