Monday, September 14, 2009

What I’m Watching: Psych

Psych: Season 4, Episode 5 “Shawn Has the Yips” (B+)

It seems like a number of the recent episodes of this show have focused heavily on Lassiter, and while that tends to mean less of a focus on Juliet, it’s still great to see the fantastic Timothy Omundson take on a bigger role. It was obvious from the start that he was the target, but it was still super cool to see Lassiter leap up and fire on the guy. It seemed a bit too easy that the guy released from jail was the perpetrator, and I’m impressed with the way it played out. It was especially interesting to hear the trigger-happy Lassiter stand by the fact that murder was wrong, and I like the blend of drama and comedy that this show coasts on. Shawn throwing the phone at the victim’s family member and missing but still distracting him was pretty hilarious. It was also evident that Shawn’s “Speed”-style treadmill heart rate scenario wasn’t real, but pretty funny in the way that it incorporated Juliet’s bizarre motivational exercise strategy and the constantly missing and uncharged cordless phone. Henry’s reaction to Shawn not calling him after he nearly got shot was amusing, and I really like his continued presence on this show. I would like to see Abigail back on the scene at some point soon, and I hope that she’ll return again this season. And, as always, let’s see more of Juliet! The eleventh episode of this season is titled “A Very Juliet Episode” – that sounds very exciting. I can’t wait.

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