Sunday, October 18, 2009

What I’m Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 6, Episode 6 “Mafia” (B+)

The main storyline in this episode is a little funny, tough it’s not overwhelmingly clever. Michael is always intimidated by people who seem like exert some sort of power over him, and Mike has the perfect build and demeanor to play the suspected Mafioso. His presence at the restaurant and his ability to talk Michael into getting in over his head were both very funny. Michael enlisting Dwight and Andy as his witless advisors was much more prominently terrific than the Mafioso and his attempted sale, and the excuse for Andy to end up dressed in a mechanic’s uniform was wonderfully far-fetched and fantastic. Oscar’s frustration at being the only reasonable person in the office since he believed Toby had checked out was great, and his desperation and need to call Jim and Pam to try and restore order was so unexpected and spectacular (especially remembering Jim not taking the Finer Things Club seriously way back when). The fact that so many people called Jim and Pam was a nice way to keep them incorporated and to really demonstrate how hard it is for the couple to get away from their jobs. Kevin shacking up in Jim’s office was a fun subplot, and his doomed accidental cancelling of Jim’s credit card was quite funny, but outdone by his subsequent international call to Jim where he chickened out and told Pam to let Jim know he said hi. Kevin is quite a character, and it’s so excellent that this show decided to emphasize and draw out all of its minor background players. Erin, to her credit, plays the secretary role pretty much as well as Pam.


  1. I just finished the first season. I wasn't overwhelmed by it. Carrell's character was more obnoxious than funny, and his humor was hit or miss (though I loved "Diversity Day"). The supporting characters are excellent, however. And I've heard the show gets a lot better in its second season. Good start!

  2. Yeah, definitely give it more of a chance. The first season was fun but nothing phenomenal. My favorite episode was the "Health Care" one. Carrell gets more sympathetic, and you'll probably end up liking him as you get more into the show. Keep me posted!

  3. By the way, do you have any idea where I can watch season 6 online legally? I'd like to catch up, but Hulu and only have the last five episodes up, so I don't know how I'm going to be able to view it online. I've still got four seasons to watch on DVD, but once I'm caught up, is there a way to view the enitre sixth season online? Sites like have all the episodes, but I have trouble believing it's legal. It's certainly unethical, at the very least.

  4. You're right, those are probably the only free legal options you have at this point. The episodes are available on iTunes for $2.99 each if you're really itching to watch them, and eventually they'll put them back up on Hulu and, probably closer to the end of the season. Otherwise, keep your eye on NBC and syndicated listings for repeats of the episodes you've missed. I don't know how quickly you're speeding through the show, so you'll have to see what things are like then. If you finish by the middle of the week, just skip episode one of season six and watch it when you're able to find out. You won't want to skip the second episode though, so just hold tight or watch out for listings.
