Thursday, November 19, 2009

What I’m Watching: NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles: Season 1, Episode 8 “Ambush” (B+)

Opening the episode with the marine’s paranoid flight into the aquarium and having his death captured on FishCam was a great jump-start for a very action-centric episode. Bringing back Special Agent Mike Renko, who appeared in the two-hour backdoor pilot that aired as part of the previous season of “NCIS,” was fun because he doesn’t distract from the main players of the team but has an entertaining rapport with the whole team and Kensi in particular. It was also cool to incorporate the murdered marine as Renko’s informant and connect him in that way. This show might be better named “NCIS: Undercover” since chameleon Callen always seems to be donning a fake identity for the same of the case, and most times at a moment’s notice. The reveal that Callen was seated in the prison van and that Sam was posing as a guard was treated so excitedly – it’s clear that this show is proud of itself when it manages to pull off a stunt like that. Callen’s back-and-forth insulting act with the brainwashed marine who kept holding a gun to him was really funny, and the other guy ultimately taking back his insults was a nice touch. Hetty’s trip to D.C. was highly interrupted by her desire to still supervise her team, and the relationship she has with Vance is truly superb. It’s impressive that Hetty is still able to motivate her team members to race each other up the stairs to be the first to the briefing room even when she’s not actually physically there.


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