Saturday, December 5, 2009

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy (Season Finale)

Sons of Anarchy: Season 2, Episode 13 “Na Trioblidi” (B+)

This season of intense and shocking moments come to a staggering, unexpected end with the wrapping up of many plotlines and the introduction of something for which was altogether unprepared. The sight of the Mayans and the Sons sitting across the street from each other with the police standing in the middle as a buffer was just a hint of how violent the confrontations in this episode would get. The trio of Jax, Opie, and Chibs carried out one half of their necessary executions, and the presence of Weston’s son when they all had their guns pointed at him was an acknowledgment of the turbulent state of affairs for the club and Charming. Gemma’s desire for blood and repeated reference of her divinely-chartered path seemed like it could be innocent enough, but unfortunately she stumbled into a situation caused by the most destructive federal agent to come through Charming (and that’s counting the deceased Kohn). Stahl really messed up big-time, and her inability to comprehend the devastating consequences of pinning actions on people who weren’t actually involved is endlessly frustrating, and ultimately fatal. She could easily have said that Zobelle’s daughter shot Edmond and then tried to kill her, but she realizes she’s too deep and therefore decides she has to pin it all on Gemma. Cameron’s distraught reaction was incredibly powerful, and his snap decision to go to Jax’s house and exchange one son’s life for another happened so fast. Tara’s horrified reaction was perhaps the most frightening thing about the whole situation, save for the tragic death of Half-Sack. Cameron’s breakdown with Abel in his arms was also quite devastating, and the fact that he got away on his boat with the baby is pretty insane. Even more unbelievable is that the club let Zobelle go. Their well-coordinated ambush to get his escort to back off was impressive, and the most satisfying moment of the season was Zobelle’s call to help for Hale, where the dutiful deputy expressed just how concerned he was for Zobelle’s safety and well-being. This second season has been a volatile and entirely fascinating one, and the cliffhanger ending means that it will be hard to stop thinking about for the many months until the show returns for a third season next September.

Season grade: A
Season MVPs: Katey Sagal & Maggie Siff

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