Sunday, January 31, 2010

Round Two: The Deep End

The Deep End: Season 1, Episode 2 “Where There’s Smoke” (B)

To be honest, I’m actually still liking this show. I realize that it’s terribly playful and a bit over-the-top, but the new lawyers are just trying so damn hard that it seems worth it. It’s also quite entertaining and certainly engaging, so that’s definitely a plus. I am finding it impossible to remember any of the characters’ names, but I don’ t think that’s a major issue since I can already identify them by their faces and they’ll probably all end sleeping together anyway. I like how the structure of this firm works, and I think that the characters on all the different levels play very well together, at least for entertainment purposes. I enjoyed Hart and Rowdy bursting into laughter about the deathly serious marijuana situation presented to them moments earlier by Addy and Malcolm (I may just call him Eggs if I can’t remember his character’s name on this show next time). The dynamic between Addy and Malcolm is also fun, with Malcolm’s sarcastic response about her waiting twenty years for them to build a new train and her response to his offer that it was both convenient and nice. Dylan is definitely still getting the hang of things, which is fine, while Beth proved herself quite impressive in the face of intimidation and manipulation by her father. The subplot of Liam unable to match any woman’s kiss to the quality of his first kiss was actually quite fun, and really sunk in dramatically with his pause after Beth came up to him and did her worst. This show is soapy, sure, but I think I’m just going to deal with it and like it. Also, if you're looking for an expert on something scientific, I would definitely trust Dr. Pierre Chang from "Lost."

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