Sunday, January 24, 2010

Round Two: Human Target

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 2 “Rewind” (B+)

This is a stellar episode that improves upon the already great first installment and proves that this show has what it takes to sustain itself. Part of that, of course, requires a necessary suspension of disbelief, but that’s what makes it so much fun. This show really knows how to use its assets, putting Winston on the plane with Chance and keeping Guerrero hard at work scaring the hell out of people with his equally creepy voice and stare. Chi McBride was always at his best on “Pushing Daisies” when he was on a case, and strapping him in to a flight attendant’s uniform in this episode was magnificent. It didn’t seem like McBride, who never earned any deserved commendation for his most recent part, would ever have as good a role again as he did on ABC’s cancelled fantasy series. Fortunately, this seems like it may just be it, and the show is only two episodes in! On top of that, Jackie Earle Haley must be delighted with his continued comeback after being out of the spotlight for twenty-five years. Both of the supporting stars are great, but the best part of this episode is Chance and the way he works with the flight attendant, played by guest star Courtney Ford, recently seen on “Dexter.” This is just the right role for her, and she plays perfectly off of the eccentric Mark Valley. The device of unfolding the episode out of chronological order actually worked fantastically here, and that’s incredibly impressive. The most awesome part of this whole episode was Chance flipping the plane upside down – that’s just gutsy and mind-boggling, and I loved every minute of it.

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