Saturday, January 16, 2010

What I’m Watching: Better Off Ted

Better Off Ted: Season 2, Episodes 8 & 9 “The Impertenence of Communicationizing” & “The Long and Winding High Road” (B+)

A double dose of this show each week is truly satisfying. Veridian’s typos are always good for some good fun, and this episode was no exception. The best running joke was Casual Frisday, and Veronica’s response to Ted’s unusual outfit designed to make him look laidback, “Casual Frisday isn’t until 2024,” was pretty hilarious. She had a number of other funny quotes in both episodes, including “that’s the fastest I’ve ever lost interest in anything.” Most of her quips are made infinitely funnier by her delivery of them, so they may lose some of their hilarity when rewritten here by me. These two episodes are up to the usual par, but there’s something particularly impressive that both of them do exceptionally well. That’s the incorporation of their guest stars in a way that uses their talents perfectly but doesn’t overshadow or distract from the regular players. In the first episode, Chris Parnell, better known as the hapless Dr. Spaceman on “30 Rock,” was a great sounding board for Veronica to shoot her guilt off of as the Walter Palmer (the P is silent). In the second installment, Kyle Bornheimer, star of the one-season sitcom “Worst Week,” was a fantastic nemesis for do-gooder Ted who was able to bring out the competitive, slightly cutthroat side of our loveable hero. Watching the genius plans orchestrated by Ted, Veronica, and Andrea interact so tragically was a pretty hilarious way to cement Ted’s original inkling that taking the high road usually pays off.

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