Saturday, January 9, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 11 “Up All Night” (B+)

This episode certainly isn’t what I expected give the title, which has been used for episodes of both “30 Rock” and “Friends” and probably others (if you know of any, please comment). The two I’ve seen have featured lengthy nights where all the characters bond and get to know each other, whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. In this case, three men on the show do spend their whole night together and become much closer, even if that relationship is only fleeting. It’s amusing to see Jay be so hostile initially to Javier and then get suckered in by his charms, and to see Gloria yelling furiously about it all. Cameron and Mitchell’s disagreement about how much affection and comfort to show their baby was entertaining, and the culmination of the whole thing with Mitchell getting hurt was pretty funny. As always, Phil’s storyline tends to be the strongest. The attractive town firemen, and the incorporation of Cameron and Mitchell into that plotline at the very end, are a fantastic phenomenon that creates a great scenario where Claire has to feel guilty for getting dressed up while Phil was in terrible physical pain. I particularly love how the narration works so well to build up to surprises in this show, with Phil discussing his 20-year holdout for a robot with emotions being instantly shattered by his sad announcement of “goodbye, robot” as not one but four attractive women pop out of a room to reveal how much time Phil spent flirting with them while he was in the hospital. A bonus funny moment was Phil trying to transmit all of the PIN numbers to his son while about to pass out from the anesthesia.

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