Saturday, January 23, 2010

What I’m Watching: Scrubs

Scrubs: Season 9, Episode 10 “Our True Lies” (C)

The central premise of this episode doesn’t make any sense. Gathering together only the core characters as cheating suspects is a somewhat clever device, but once the identity of the culprit was revealed, the legitimacy of this plotline went out the window. Lucy is a star student who can’t keep her mouth shut, so she would first of all never even think of cheating, and more importantly wouldn’t possibly be able to keep the secret in, even if all the people who supposedly don’t like her make a preposterous sacrifice just to give her a second chance. If the show is going to try and introduce J.D. and Elliot-like characteristics for Lucy, most notably the observation of others that she gets a far-off look when she goes into her narration voice, it should stick to the already established personality traits it has created, like Lucy’s honesty and do-gooder attitude. Seeing Cole actually try and take the fall for another human being was a nice touch, but that was the only decent part about the whole scandal. Why isn’t the Australian girl being fleshed out at all? In her first appearance, Dr. Cox was incredibly disturbed by how impossible she was to understand, yet she’s barely spoken a peep since then. Drew’s delivery of his accidental confession annoyed me because all I could hear was that he said “I love ya” instead of “I love you.” I’m not sure why it bothered me so much, but I couldn’t focus on anything else every time I saw him and Denise. There was one fun moment which involved the old guard, and that was Turk’s attempt to recreate something he and J.D. use to do and have Dr. Cox abruptly shut it down by bringing him back to the real world.
What I’m Watching: Scrubs

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