Friday, January 29, 2010

What I’m Watching: Scrubs

Scrubs: Season 9, Episode 11 “Our Dear Leader” (C)

This just isn’t working. I’m confused about why Drew has to be such a mean jerk to everyone around him and then somehow decides at the end of the day that the people he relentlessly mocks and hates on are actually his friends. While I am a fan of Kerry Bishe and her performance on this show, I do think that her attempts to go ballistic need to be stopped immediately. It just doesn’t fit her character, and she can’t pull it off at all. Drew, on other hand, is good at that kind of thing, but that’s why he’s number one. I know that this show has sort of always been like this, but it’s starting to seem even more childish lately, and that’s not a good thing. The arrival of the perfect new doctor and the jealousy it brings out in Turk doesn’t contribute much to the episode, and Turk’s comment about Dr. Kelso just lurking around waiting to weigh in on conversations drives home the point that his continued presence on the show doesn’t make a bit of sense. It is nice that Dr. Cox has someone who he can toy with and in the process actually teach him about how he’s actually a good human being, and that’s the major positive aspect of this episode. Otherwise, this one bombs, especially when it comes to Denise, whose reoccurring raspy voice brought on by the reminder of her hell week experience and fake sappiness about her proclamation of love to her boyfriend doesn’t do justice to one of the stronger characters left on this show.

Does anyone have information on when the final two episodes of the season will air? ABC said one was going to air this past Wednesday and the other next Wednesday, but listings indicate that's not true.

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