Sunday, January 10, 2010

What I’m Watching: Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty: Season 4, Episode 10 “The Passion of the Betty” (B+)

It’s nice that, whatever obstacle may present itself, the terrific couple that is Matt and Betty can move forward in a positive and strong way. Betty’s presentation of the paintings she hadn’t seen was clearly an ill-fated plan, but I suspected that they weren’t actually done by him rather than imagining them as his outlet for expressing his distaste for Betty after they broke up. Matt’s new turn to unemployment may prove to be a bit of a lull, but hopefully he’ll find something fun to do and be able to, as Betty had hoped, find his passion. I did enjoy the opening montage to convey the amount of time they were spending together. It was great to see so much of Hilda in this episode, and while this might be Santos all over again, it’s good that Bobby is trying to take an active role in supporting Hilda and her baby. Hopefully Ignacio will come around in time too. This was a very good episode for Claire Meade, who had the two men in her life apologizing to her and then turned the tables on Cal by using the blackmail from Wilhelmina against him. It’s so wonderful to see Becki Newton excelling as usual at physical comedy in all of her interactions with Marc and Wilhelmina. Marc’s boyfriend arc can’t work it well, but it could be fun while it lasts. The opening scene with Jesse Tyler Ferguson was somewhat entertaining but didn’t quite feel right since, only an hour earlier, he was on “Modern Family” playing a decidedly not straight man.

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