Sunday, January 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty: Season 4, Episode 11 “Back In Her Place” (B+)

It’s really a pity to see Betty continually thrust into these unfortunate scenarios where she’s only trying to do what’s right and she just gets saddled with the worst possible tasks and luck over and over again. That’s actually probably the main reason I opted to not start watching this show when it first premiered four years ago (and before I realized the excellence of the supporting cast), but things are going better now. Betty has learned how to roll with it and make things work for her, which is great. Amanda’s mistaken attempts to inform Betty three times about moving out of her apartment were pretty funny. Wilhelmina is entertaining while she’s trying desperately to express her emotions in a limited way, but it’s probably best that this Connor plotline is laid to rest. It was much better when he was either working with her or on the run, but having him kempt up isn’t cutting it. Wilhelmina is more fearsome when she’s completely unhinged and evil, as well as when she has Marc at her side. I don’t quite buy Marc messing up Daniel on an hourly basis as him actually help him get more publicity, but as long as Daniel is content, I suppose that’s enough. It’s also nice that Hilda is getting to trust Bobby some more and that he’s taking an active interest in bettering her life. I’m still worried, however, that this is going to be Santos all over again and he’s going to disappear for factors not of his choosing.

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