Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What I’m Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 3, Episode 6 “Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler” (B+)

Watching Chuck transition into the spy he was almost meant to be is both fascinating and a bit sad, because it’s obvious just how painful it is for him to shut off his emotions and try and act disconnected from everyone. Seeing him lie to both Ellie and the guy who could have been his new friend was a drag, but it was also interesting due to the different reactions from Sarah and Casey. Not having Shaw around for all of this was probably a good thing because there would simply have been too many agents surrounding one case, but it’s not as if he’s not missed. Another previous Superman player hasn’t had much to do yet at the Buy More, though her presence seems to have inspired an interesting inquest on the part of Morgan, Jeff, and Lester into Chuck’s mysterious activities. This trip to Paris has proven to be quite a catalytic event for the show, introducing a great new character, Hannah, prompting Awesome to reevaluate his life, and causing an even greater rift between Chuck and his best friend. There do seem to be a lot of Intersects floating around, but this time was still pretty cool. When Manoosh put on his glasses, things got pretty exciting. Seeing how amazed Manoosh was by Chuck’s Intersect-driven abilities was also fun. The big trick that serves as the title for this episode was fantastically impressive, and something that’s definitely unique to this show. Where else would a character use a nacho plate to take down an enemy?

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