Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What I’m Watching: Heroes (Season Finale)

Heroes: Season 4, Episode 19 “Brave New World” (D-)

Up until the last few minutes of this episode, I was feeling the same way I have been all season about it, and I’m not entirely convinced by those last few minutes. But first, let’s take a look at the rest of the episode. Doyle forcing Emma to play her cello while dressed in that blue tux was overly creepy and just plain ridiculous. The presence of Old Charlie seems an unfortunate ruse necessary only because Jayma Mays is currently occupied starring on “Glee.” While the actress selected to play her, K Callan, does bear a striking physical resemblance to her, she’s hardly old enough to be playing that part. Callan was born in 1942, whereas Mays, who was almost thirty years old when she appeared on the show, would have already been that old when she was transported to 1944. The sudden appearance of Tracy, finally using a power she can control, was quite a surprise, and I don’t know whether to be dumbfounded or wowed. Noah’s fatalism was uncalled for because there’s no way he was going to die. This is “Heroes,” after all. It took Nathan like fifteen seasons to die. The culmination of all these events finally coming together doesn’t change the fact that the carnival route was always a bad idea and Emma still has the stupidest power in the universe. So now, all of a sudden, Sylar has proclaimed himself a hero. If only the buildup made sense like it did a few years ago when he was flipping pancakes in the future. It’s too late, and I don’t buy that he’s changed since all he did was break down a brick wall with Peter for forty-five minutes. Also, speaking of Claire’s confession, didn’t Nathan try to go public a few seasons back and then get shot for that effort? Clearly the writers haven’t forgotten about past seasons since Claire referenced her jumping attempts in the last line, so why not have Claire pay tribute to her late father’s legacy? Coming out to the whole world is a fresh idea, which is great, and it might just work if all these characters weren’t so damn annoying. Hopefully, the show will end at this point and not continue any further, but if it does, let’s hope for a fateful fresh start.

Season grade: F
Season MVP: Yikes – Robert Knepper?

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