Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What I’m Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 7, Episode 15 “Jack Knife” (B+)

This episode was terrific fun due to the rather unresponsive and sleepy state McGee was in the whole time and the whole group dynamic. McGee’s initial confusion about getting Ziva and Tony out of their individual beds rather than the bed in which they were sleeping together was a great start to his inability to cope with the long hours. It was entertaining hearing McGee talk about how Gibbs does so much and he can’t keep up with him, and Gibbs answering “coffee” and then demanding that McGee fetch him some was a great finish for the scene. Tony yelling at McGee for tapping on the dashboard while he was drinking his coffee was great, and it was even more fantastic that McGee was actually translating the Morse Code. His utterance of “F-U-E-L” was spectacularly done. The look on Tony’s face when he McGee was excitedly yammering about the lingo was also classic. That first shot of Fornell’s facial hair and Gibbs’ comment of “what happened to your face” was a nice reintroduction to a recurring character, and this was by far their most fun reunion. Their argument in Ducky’s lab where Ducky had to be the one to bring them back to seriousness was indicative of how loose they felt this episode, and they seemed to have a fantastic time causing trouble to seem obvious while tailing the truck. On a more serious note, the intense look in Ziva’s eyes when she stands there as the truck almost hits her was powerful. To end on a more humorous note, however, Abby’s comment when McGee told her that Gibbs saved him by pushing him out of the way was hilarious: “Pushing people is really rude, McGee.”

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