Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What I’m Watching: Caprica

Caprica: Season 1, Episode 6 “Know Thy Enemy” (C+)

In the endlessly frustrating style of shows like “Lost,” this show has now adapted the format of focusing on one storyline for one entire episode and then not even acknowledging it in the subsequent installment. It’s far more inappropriate and noticeable here because there’s time to touch on all of the different story arcs, and therefore the absence of Tamara is somewhat inexcusable. Especially when Joseph is given a decent amount of screen time it seems strange that he doesn’t even think about her. At least Willie wasn’t in the episode. Daniel’s arch nemesis popping into town was intriguing and then seemed to be a bit too simplistic when he said he just wanted to purchase a sports team, but things got a whole lot more serious when he declared that his dream was to tear up Daniel's dream. Daniel just can’t catch a break, continually getting trashed and having his life threatened because of what his daughter did but didn’t actually do. It would be nice if someone finally leaked the fact that Zoe wasn’t the one who blew up the train so that her name could be cleared, especially since the Soldiers of the One are very much aware that she wasn’t responsible. Sister Clarice cloning the Graystone family computer’s data proved once again that Amanda is TV’s biggest floozy, easily swayed by a harmless visit from a local nun and the effects of some pretty crazy-looking green liquor. The weirdest scene of all was when Daniel walked in on that continuously annoying tech talking to Cylon Zoe and paused for a moment and then didn’t even seem phased by it.


  1. Lots of people seem to like this show, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm not just going to take your word that it's bad (particularly as a "BSG" lover). I'm sure it's no "Galactica", but I really hope you're wrong about it. We'll see when it comes out on DVD.

  2. That's fine - don't take my word for it. It's impossible for two people to agree on everything, and therefore it's easily plausible that you'll really like it. I'd say you have a few other shows to catch up on first, like "Modern Family," but give this one a try some day.

  3. Yeah, "Modern Family" and "Mad Men" are probably higher on my to-see list. But I may decide to catch up on this show first, before I forget everything that happened in "Galactica" (though I've heard it's not necessary to have seen that show in order to appreciate "Caprica").
