Monday, March 1, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 16 “The Chase” (B)

Everything seems to be headed in a new direction now, and for the most part, that’s a good thing. The opening sequence after the credits was clearly a dream, but it’s really nice to see Katharine happy. The ending scene where she walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her was great, and being seductive is something that Julie Benz does perfectly, so it now makes a whole lot of sense to have her around in that role. It’s strange how this show reintroduces characters like Mrs. McCluskey, Roy, and Andrew only when nothing else is really going on. Randomly checking into their plotlines now finds the unmarried elderly couple spurred on by Susan’s meddling, and more than one man seeking to experience more than monogamy. It’s amusing how upset Roy talking about wanting to be with other women makes Susan, and Gaby’s partying days with Lee and Bob were entertaining as well. The introduction of this new catering employee who seems to want to be the world’s greatest son and usurp Andrew’s role in Bree’s life is yet another full-brown crazy person, which makes me a little nervous considering how that has worked out in the past. I’m not so sure that we need that twist now that things with Orson are all sorted out and Bree could finally experience some happiness. The new focus on a mostly unseen child of Lynette’s is an interesting direction for the show to take, and I did crack a smile when the Scavo twin reminded Lynette what Penny’s name was when she was calling to her after the cake mishap. Once again, it’s not clear where things are headed, but they’re going decently enough at the moment. Angie’s concern about her son running into trouble of a different kind than we expected in New York makes things all the more exciting.

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