Thursday, March 25, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 18 “My Two Young Men” (C)

This is the kind of episode where I feel slightly more satisfied toward the end when Mary Alice offers a neat wrap-up of the lessons learned but definitely don’t feel secure during the events of the episode itself. I’m not even so sure that I’m pleased with a few of the conclusions. To start with the good, Katherine leaving with Robin to pursue lesbian life elsewhere is a good thing because she can be happy, and there really wasn’t much more for Katherine to do on Wisteria Lane anyway. At least Katherine’s conversation with Mrs. McCluskey provided some decent entertainment. It took Patrick a whole episode to get to Wisteria Lane, but this hour made it clear that, though he appears like a nice guy, he’s dangerous and ready to get revenge for what’s been taken from him. Tad the Perfect Son Without A Father is becoming continuously annoying as this plotline plays out in a very expected way, turning first Andrew and now Orson into seeming paranoid lunatics when in truth they’re probably right. At least Lynette has some backing from Tom, but Preston and his mustache are still not cutting it. It’s also not as if Irina has said that she’s actively there just to take Preston’s money or something sinister like that, but she has threatened Lynette and that’s clearly not going to fly. Susan and Gaby getting more involved in their children’s contest than the kids themselves is nothing new, and I think that allusions to child kidnapping come a little too close to the line. Again, the moral established with winning actually translating to doing a good deed is much better than the actuality of what transpires.

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