Thursday, March 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: How to Make It in America

How to Make It in America: Season 1, Episode 5 “Big in Japan” (B)

I’m happy to announce that, while I’m not completely on board with this show now, I did enjoy this episode a whole lot more than all the previous one. To begin with, it’s much funnier than those that came before it, and it had me chuckling more than a few times. One of the things about “Entourage” over the past season or two that has been problematic is that the guys ran into disappointment after disappointment when all they were doing was just trying to catch a break. I had feared this might be the case here, but fortunately Ben and Cam seem to have had some luck by running into an old friend who has become a success on the street, and then getting a meeting with a Japanese buyer out of a quick coffee. The good fortune that he liked Ben’s homemade shirt is a nice surprise, and therefore these two should see some easy cash in their near fortune and an unexpected entry into the business. Ben’s refusal to give a 12-year-old a cigarette was amusing, as was the punk’s reaction to the rejection. Rene also proved to be very entertaining in his quest to recover a stored package. Bringing his grandma along to his meeting with his cousin’s ex-wife so that he could yell at her for swearing at him in front of her was a pretty slick move, and him getting a look from her for putting his feet on the table was quite funny as well. Darren viciously eating the Cheetos and the ensuing plotline was terrific, and of course Edie would have ecstasy just lying around in a nearby drawer. I’m definitely starting to like this side plotline involving Rachel much more, even if she herself doesn’t have a lot to do with it.

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