Monday, March 15, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 7 “Salvage & Reclamation” (B+)

As usual, it’s a good idea to start the review of this show with a quick rundown of recognizable faces from the episode. Starting from inside the South American military base, the bad guy who served as an interrogator was Kim Coates, also known as loyal bodyguard Tig from “Sons of Anarchy,” who does a good job of selling himself as a leader in this fun villainous role. The good guy was Kris Marshall, best known as Colin, the American-loving Brit who traveled to Wisconsin to meet girls in “Love Actually.” He wasn’t quite as off-the-walls here, but he was still entertaining and it was very funny to hear both Maria and Chance tell him to shut up at the same time. Chance’s proclamation of “Doug is not a pacifist” provided a great transition into the shot of him maniacally shooting everyone. Chance expressing his fear of the banana spider that was common only in a particular part of Latin America was hilarious, especially when Maria tried to convince him that a bunch of bananas was the dreaded spider. Chance’s conclusion of “it’s 2010, everybody’s got guns” was amusing, and was the first real acknowledgment of time there’s been on this fantasy-driven show. Winston and Guerrero on the plane together was amazing, starting with Winston’s fury about having to fly into the devil’s mount that eats planes. Guerrero interpreting the pilot’s assertion about the plane being overweight as Winston being overweight was great, and I loved Winston’s reaction to Guerrero opting to confess his sins – “I’m not spending my final moments listening to all the heinous things you’ve done.” Guerrero had a perfect comeback a few minutes later: “just for the record, I think you could have handled that a little better.”

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