Sunday, March 28, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 9 “Corner Man” (B+)

Is there anyone as cool as Christopher Chance? I don’t think so. Flipping a plane upside down in midair to put out a fire was awesome, but taking out several armed guards from underwater with something weighing him down was just incredible. The whole plan to have Chance pose as an unbeatable boxer was pretty smart, and having every step of the way covered by connections that Chance, Winston, and Guerrero had was fun. Having Chance know the boxer he took down in the alley was an amusing start, and it just got better from there. We had the chance to see our second “Battlestar Galactica” femme fatale guest on this show, and Boomer, a.k.a. Grace Park, did a great job of playing her role in a situation very similar to that which occurred in “Ocean’s Eleven.” The dynamic between the trio is what still keeps this show going for me, of course. Guerrero’s response of “I don’t need a reminder” to an irritable Winston starting to give him one was fun, and it’s pretty much no different between Winston and Chance: “I’m only half-listening to the plan; that’s better than not listening at all.” It is nice that Winston actually does care about Chance and wants to protect him. There’s a great sense of loyalty present on this show, even with Guerrero, who more often than not seems to be either distracted, duplicitous, or both. Guerrero really is all about the friendliness, as evidenced by his comment to the boxer they were protecting: “hug me, dude, and you’re a dead man.”

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