Friday, March 5, 2010

What I’m Watching: Lost

Lost: Season 6, Episode 6 “Sundown” (B)

It’s great to see everyone coming together and all of the various plotlines converging, but I’m not on board with thee notion of just killing people off as an excuse to not answer the questions raised by their plotlines. Sure, it’s fascinating that Dogen was the only thing keeping the Smoke Monster out of the temple, but why do only get to learn that after he’s already drowned and dead? That’s always been a major problem on this show; getting rid of characters before explaining their significance. I’ll forgive the flash-sideways execution of Keamy because seeing characters pop up in different places there is pretty damn cool. I do wish that surprise appearances like his weren’t spoiled by the appearance of the actors’ names in the opening credits. It seems like Sayid is a killer in both universes, taking out his brother’s enemies in the flash-sideways segments and then turning out to be completely evil and possessed à la Claire on the island. It would be nice if we saw a bit more of some of these conversations, especially anything the Locke doppelganger tells anyone since that’s the most informative stuff. So now we have a motley crew stuck in the temple, Jack and Hurley out staring into mirrors, Jin, Sawyer, and Richard somewhere in the middle of the jungle, and then Kate in the company of the bad guys. Things always get more exciting when the people on the island are united and each successive episode has to focus on multiple characters and threads, so there’s some hope for the future and coming weeks.

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