Saturday, March 6, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 16 “Fears” (A-)

It’s so amazing to have this show back. It’s only been off the air three weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever. Regardless, what a welcome return! I’ve really missed the format of the show with all of its humorous montages and its episodic themes. Each of the four separate threads in this episode were completely hilarious, and it’s great to find an episode that excels in all respects, even though this show is one that’s done it many times already midway through its first season. Jay’s proclamation that he only understands about 20% of what goes on in his home was great, and I enjoyed Manny’s potshot at Jay: “Wake up, old man, she’s trying to get me on that roller-coaster.” Jay also unhelpfully but amusingly contradicted Gloria’s pledge to catch Manny if he fell off the roller-coaster with the reality that it’s not possible and that he would crush her. Cameron and Mitchell inviting the Asian pediatrician over for brunch was a hoot from its very inception, and Lily calling her Mommy sealed the deal. Haley’s preparation for her driving test was just as enjoyable as the test itself. Claire starting to dance in front of her younger daughter to encourage her to attend her school dance prompted the best line of the episode from a horrified Alex: “you and Dad together suddenly makes so much sense.” Phil and Luke’s hunt for buried treasure was entertaining, and I loved the way Phil patted himself on the back when he went in to save his son: “does that make me a hero? Yes it does.”


  1. When this show comes out on DVD, it's on my to see list. In retrospect, I think I should have watched this insted of "Glee" (which got too stupid for me to continue with).

  2. Ever heard of Hulu? It's the only way I've been able to watch both without missing them. I'd watch Modern Family live, and then Glee the following day on Hulu (all the episodes show up the following morning). With so much quality TV coming out (or even just things I want to sample) if two come out at the same time, you choose which one you watch live, and watch the other later online (or even On Demand if you have that and is on there). Just a tip for next time.

    As for the episode, it was also one of my favorites. I love the relationships developing, and this is one of the few times that Haley has come into her own as a character (since she's usually somewhere texting or being selfish). I also loved Alex in this episode, and as always, the different relationships from the adult cast drive this show.

  3. Yes, I have. But my computer speakers were broken for a while, and I just didn't feel like catching up once they got fixed. Plus, they only show like the last five episodes.
