Saturday, March 20, 2010

What I’m Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 7, Episode 18 “Jurisdiction” (B+)

Anytime NCIS has to interface with another agency, entertainment is sure to ensue. What’s unusual, however, is when NCIS is technically the senior agency that more people seem to have heard of or know. CGIS, described perfectly by McGee as lacking the same “je ne sais quoi” but still considered a “legitimate sibling,” was a good group for NCIS to sort of partner with, and Diane Neal did a terrific job as the other Abby who gave her subordinate a head slap truly worthy of Gibbs, as noted quite awkwardly by Tony. There were some great rapid-fire exchanges in this episode between some of the characters, like Tony’s promise that he wouldn’t lose the keys again, followed curtly by Gibbs’ declaration of “I doubt that.” Palmer mistaking Ducky’s citing of Charles Dickens for a Jack Sparrow quote was equally amusing, as was Gibbs’ nonplussed response of “I work here” to Abby frantically demanding what he was doing in her lab. Tony’s over-the-top reenactment of Richard Dreyfuss’ exclamation of “this wasn’t a boating accident!” from “Jaws,” however inappropriate, was certainly very enjoyable. The relationship between Tony and Ziva continues to be wonderful, with Tony telling her that he envies her brain sometimes, and then having the show end with them essentially out (or rather in) on a date since they both got stood up. After all this time, I can’t imagine anything will ever happen between them, but it’s nice to hope, isn’t it? On another note, didn’t we have a case of mistaken identity last week on this show? No matter, it still works just as well, and serves as a cool surprise midway through the episode.

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