Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 18 “The Possum” (B+)

It’s so fun to see all of the characters mixed and matched here and given the opportunity to interact with different people than normal. Ann’s naivety about the budding relationship between Andy and April is entertaining, and the quick cut to April dryly saying that she doesn’t like Ann after Ann talked about how maybe April looking after her house could lead to them being friends was perfect. April had a whole lot to do in this episode, being enlisted by Leslie to help her deal with the second possum situation. One of the funniest moments was when Leslie was freaking out while asking April to help her out and April was willing to do it if Leslie piped down. Leslie and April screaming together when they were hiding from the possum was quite an unexpected but entirely enjoyable scene. The most fantastic surprise was the snapshot of the relationship between Ron and Mark. Ron’s desire to circumvent the code just because there was no reason he felt he needed to follow it was great, and the way he tried to avoid answering any of Mark’s questions was hilarious. Mark’s response of just telling him to shut up while he was helping him try to adhere to all of the codes was fantastic, and the best part was when he actually interrupted Ron’s interview with the camera to tell him to shut up. This really is a spectacular team working at the Parks department, and I’d be delighted to see many more task forces in the future.

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