Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 4 “Green Light” (B+)

This show needs to win some kind of award for its pre-titles openings week-to-week. This installment’s introduction was incredible, with Jesse trying to unload some of his product on a gas station attendant. The fact that neither of them flinched when the cop came in and the drugs were in plain view was astonishing. It was great that Mike got a whole bunch of lines this episode after pretty much strutting around silently up until now, and hearing him talk was terrific. I especially liked the way he reacted to Walt’s insistence that he get all of the bugs out: “A: these things cost hundreds of dollars a piece, and B: you’re not that interesting, so yes, Walt, I’ll get them all.” Walt is really spiraling out of control, making scenes in public, unable to teach his class, and even trying to make a move on the other teacher or administrator who was trying to help him out. Hank is going down the exact same road as Walt, and it’s going to be incredible when he realizes who he’s chasing. I’m not sure if things can get any crazier for those two men until they’re ready to rip each other to pieces. Skyler’s reaction to Ted asking what Walt did wrong to make sure that he doesn’t make the same mistake was priceless, and I’m continually impressed by Anna Gunn’s performance here. The incorporation of Jesse back into the central plotline is intriguing, and it’s very interesting that they’re still cutting Walt in even though he doesn’t want it and Jesse is the one cooking.

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