Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 5 “Mas” (B+)

Starting this episode with a flashback to Walt with hair back when Jesse and he weren’t on the best of terms was a staggering reminder of just how far these guys have come. The craziest part is that they’re back at each other’s throats now after seemingly coming closer as a result of Walt checking Jesse into rehab at the end of last season. Having Saul be the mediator between these two people bursting and ready to explode makes their discussions all the more volatile and interesting. They really hate each other now, and that’s sure not to turn out well, especially since we’re less than halfway through the season. Everything Skyler does and all she goes through thinking as displayed on her face is fascinating, and hearing her think out loud is just as terrific, especially considering the reactions she gets back. As Walt is getting out of his marriage and back into the cooking business, his former brother-in-law is getting closer than ever before to catching the elusive Heisenberg and making his own loss of a familial connection worthwhile. Ending on that scene in the dead kid’s house obviously had to lead up to Hank finding something of extraordinary value, and seeing a picture of former suspect Jesse Pinkman arm in arm with the deceased is definitely a monumental discovery. It’s unclear where Jesse’s allegiances will lie now, but as Walt has finally gotten his own life back on track, forces out of his control are about to kick up yet another storm.

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