Friday, April 2, 2010

What I’m Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 3, Episode 10 “Tell Me I’m Not Racist” (B+)

This is the second episode this season not to feature any flash-forwards, and unsurprisingly, it’s also a very strong one. The dream sequences on this show are scary as hell, even if there’s no big gory reveal with ingredients like those used in the stew on “True Blood” popping up here. Ellen’s sudden interest in pursuing this potential birth mother of hers is an interesting avenue, and it’s good to give Ellen something to do because she hasn’t had that much to do this season and she’ll likely be out of a job soon. It’s a pity that people can’t just trust each other and get along. The angry response to Ellen’s boss discovering her side activity with Patty is sure to signal a ferocious rivalry between the D.A. and Patty in the future. It’s unclear where Ellen will end up in all this, but she’s definitely growing a backbone as she tells her sister that she’s done this to herself and that she can but won’t help him. Leonard’s father threatening him is very ominous, and hopefully that won’t distract him too much from the many other things he has to do. Marilyn being denied permission to go on the trip to Tanzania was one thing, but the look on Leonard’s face when Marilyn mentioned Zedeck’s name was priceless. Ellen’s intervention in the path of the case was exciting because Tessa was about to come in to talk to Patty, but this new route just means things are heating up, and with only three episodes to go this season, they’re definitely going to explode soon.

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