Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 20 “Epiphany” (B+)

This episode was a cut above the recent rest from its very beginning, starting off strong by featuring only strangler elements in the “previously on” introduction. This was a cool background installment, focusing only on character and giving him the full signature treatment by interacting with all of the housewives, including a briefly resurrected do-gooder Mary Alice. It was strange for me to recognize the magnificent Diane Farr ("Rescue Me") as Eddie’s mother. I love her, but this was a strange role for this actress who usually plays funny, snarky, charming women. She did fine in it, it was just a bizarre casting choice. Her utterance of the line “it’s not your fault you ruined my life” was particularly powerful, and Eddie’s new tagline “don’t laugh at me” is sure to stick with viewers of this show for a while. Eddie’s many interactions with the Wisteria lane ladies all worked pretty well and dwelled on how these characters have been best used over the past six years, signifying that there is the possibility for original and positive material on this show. Gaby asking Eddie “what do you do” and getting the response “I’m a kid” was especially funny, and her takedowns of her fellow housewives were hilarious. The episode served as a cool way to speed through the timeline of the show, from a cruel, uncaring Carlos to Susan getting back together with Mike, putting everything that’s happened, like the strangulation at the coffee shop, in context. It all makes sense now, and the newest Scavo home resident is sure to stir up more trouble soon, and I have a feeling that either Lynette or Danny is going to be the one to catch him.

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