Monday, April 19, 2010

What I’m Watching: Flash Forward

Flash Forward: Season 1, Episode 15 “Let No Man Put Asunder” (B+)

This episode serves, more than any other before it, to unite all of the assorted, unconnected threads on this show and bring them all together to create some sense of purpose. The Vice-President tasking Gedeck to uncover more about Jericho was intriguing, and having Gedeck send Aaron in to Afghanistan, unbeknownst to even Mark, was cool. After being far away and shrouded in darkness for so long, Dyson Frost, the man formerly known as D. Gibbons, sure is popping up a lot these days. It’s hard to tell what he’s up to, especially because sitting down next to the young child of an FBI agent at an amusement park is quite a leap from abducting an FBI agent, a major crime in itself but hardly as despicable. The notion of the flash forwards as writing the future rather than simply predicting it is back with Olivia and Lloyd getting closer by remembering how they felt about each other in their flash forwards. That was always one of the more interesting parts of this show, far more intriguing, in fact, than the science behind what actually caused the blackout. One big problem I do have with this episode is the lack of any reference to Janis’ duplicity. She’s suddenly back to her normal quiet self, and she doesn’t seem bad at all. More importantly, I don’t understand why she doesn’t just kill Demetri herself since she so easily could have numerous times in this episode. The reveal that she is pregnant is hard to read since it’s likely true since she saw it in her flash forward, but her telling Demetri the truth doesn’t make much sense.

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