Friday, April 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 1, Episode 16 “Home” (B+)

For the most part, I’m on board with the plotlines here, and I think that the one that probably stretches it a bit too much works okay because it’s quite entertaining, as well as somewhat dramatic to boot. To start with the least impressive element, Kurt’s fervor about setting up his dad with Finn’s mom in order to get them to be able to move in together is a bit over-the-top, and also that crush came up a long time ago and hasn’t been addressed since. Kurt does seem very comfortable in his Cheerios track suit, and I think that the jock bonding with his father over sports is something that he probably could have foreseen. Those I was watching with laughed when they saw Kurt watching the two of them together at the end of the episode probably just because it was a bit odd to show him standing so creepily in the shadows, but I also think it’s just a bit of an overdone plotline. Otherwise, everything’s in good shape, and the surprise return of Kristin Chenoweth is a welcome and wonderful one. It’s also a great way of providing closure to her storyline but still banking her for the future in case she ever wants to come back. Sue’s drive to push the cheerleaders to lose weight and stay in unhealthy shape is a bit unsettling, but fortunately, it led to another show of power in terms of belting out a song by Mercedes, and that’s something this show can always use.


  1. We also saw a new side of Quinn this episode, and that scene with her and Mercedes in the Nurse's office was really moving. I think I'm liking Quinn more and more as the show has gone on. Also, this is the first episode of Glee that didn't focus on Rachel at all. She only had one or two lines in this one, and it was a welcome break from her always being the star. And, I have to say this, the relationship between Kurt and his father is the best one in this entire show, so any reason to bring him in is welcomed by me (I also remembered really loving Finn's mom). I think this one ranks as one of my favorite episodes of Glee (along with Wheels and Preggers).

  2. Good call on Quinn - I forgot to mention that, but yes, she's turning into quite a three-dimensional and wonderful character!

  3. While the whole plot with Kurt and setting up his father with Finn's mom is funny it's also a little weird. If his plan worked out and his dad and Finn's mom got married it create an awkward situation. Yes, Kurt could share a room with Finn, but they'd also be brothers. Wouldn't that be weird to be in love with your brother...
