Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What I'm Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 7, Episode 19 "Guilty Pleasure" (B+)

You know it's going to be an entertaining episode when the last thing that happens before the opening credits roll is a woman shows up to her house announcing that her dead husband was spending time with a prostitute right before his death. The return of Dina Meyer as Holly Snow gives Gibbs yet another woman to share an interesting bond with and connect with in his own way. The same oddball camaraderie existed, however briefly, between Tony and Detective McCadden. Their friendship based mostly on frequently invoking movie references and picking each other's brains for movie trivia knowledge was entertaining, especially in how it ended with Tony getting sick of him. McGee's jealously was also fun, and Abby asking Gibbs to give McGee her hug today because he really needs it was a terrific scene. Both men of course looked quite relieved that it wasn't going to happen, and it was very funny. Abby's rationale that she wouldn't be able to be an escort despite being really friendly and really liking men was hilarious, and just as awkward as her interaction with the famed Ms. Snow. Tony's performance while undercover was silly at best, and his comment about "daddy going to make wee wee" was especially cringe-worthy. That wasn't the best line of course, and that distinguished honor goes to "it was probably a male...or Ziva" when speculating on the identity of the killer. Tony giving McGee a hard time about his sipping habits is just one of the many things that makes this show so much fun to watch.

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