Friday, May 14, 2010

What I’m Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 3, Episode 16 “Chuck Versus the Tooth” (B+)

I am absolutely loving the relationship between Chuck and Sarah and the direction it’s taking. While this episode is less amusing and showcases less bickering between them, it does show a softer side to the couple, and demonstrates that they really both have fallen hard for each other. Chuck telling Sarah that he loves her at the beginning of the episode was sort of swept under the rug since it led right into the first of his crazy hallucinations, but it was revisited later when Sarah told Chuck that she loved him too, which, coupled with Chuck’s reaction to the news, was wonderful. This was a great episode for people to declare their affection for Chuck, even if he got sent briefly to a mental institution. General Beckman admitted that she cared a lot about him, and it was great when the CIA psychiatrist, played by Christopher Lloyd, opened the door to reveal that Casey was already there trying to convince him to make a case for Chuck even before Sarah arrived. The crazy people also tried to defend Chuck before they were shot by tranquilizer darts, and that was a lot of fun. Chuck flashing and doing his karate movies on thin air rather than people because he’d been drugged was great, and the fact that he took the wrong tooth was just an unfortunate mishap. Casey had a few great lines, asking for permission to slap Chuck and telling Ellie that he’s had malaria four of five times. Morgan’s face when Casey sat down next to him was priceless, and his ensuing threat and Morgan getting tranquilized by Casey was hilarious. Having Anna back was an unexpected pleasure, and both she and Morgan had magnificent entrances. Morgan turning Anna down was a good moment for him, and it was nice to see her for a little bit. Ellie agreeing to contact her father for the man who is definitely not CIA is an intriguing twist, and that’s certainly not going to turn out well for anyone.

Amazing news: It sounds like "Chuck" is coming back for season four! NBC officially announces their schedule next week.

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