Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 21 “A Little Night Music” (B)

It’s great to pick up with all of the plotlines now that Eddie has had a whole episode to be introduced, and it’s especially satisfying to see some of the more long-winded ones getting closer to being wrapped up. I’m speaking specifically about Bree and her mysterious sort-of son here. Encountering his allegedly dead mother in a supermarket is quite a coincidence, but it’s good that Bree finally sees the truth about Sam. His temper tantrum has nothing on Eddie, however, though I wasn’t exactly impressed with Tom’s uncharacteristically crass and unfriendly reaction to him when he arrived home from his business trip. Susan inheriting the $30,000 piano was absolutely the worst timing ever, and with the exception of one of Carlos’ shocked comments that made me laugh, the trickery practiced by Gabby and Susan was a bit ridiculous and unneeded. I was considerably more impressed with the developments related to the Bolen family and Patrick Logan. The revelation that Nick was an undercover cop who fell in love with Angie and helped spirit her away from Logan is very interesting, and it’s even cooler to know that Logan may have a smarter plan than just revenge in store for the next two episodes. I loved the opening with him talking to Danny and then driving to go hit Nick with his car. The accompanying music and tone of it all is why I started watching this show, and I’m glad to see the series getting back to that kind of thing. I’m very intrigued to know what Patrick is up to, and what problem he thinks that Angie can help him with.

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