Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 22 “The Ballad of Booth” (B)

Watching this episode, I didn’t realize that it was the first part of the season finale. It makes sense now, considering that one of the housewives is in jeopardy after discovering a secret about one of the characters, another mystery remains somewhat unsolved, and there are a few other supporting plotlines still sorting themselves out. It’s like old times, and I flashed back briefly to the way things used to be when the show went immediately from talking about digging up bodies to Eddie using a shovel in the Scavo garden. The show isn’t nearly as good as it used to be, of course, but it’s recovered a bit from some of the low points of the season. I particularly enjoyed Bree’s cop friends trying to Sam scare off, but it’s a shame that he’s drudging up such an old skeleton as Andrew killing Juanita to blackmail Bree in turning over her company to him. Susan fake crying to get Mike to do stuff was fun, and her going around to all of his clients to get them to pay up was just as disconcerting as it was entertaining. Mike and Susan moving off the street is pretty crazy, though I’m sure something miraculous will occur and they won’t need to vacate their home. Carlos not liking Gaby’s lasagna seemed initially like a good plotline to provide some humor in the midst of such serious parallel threads, but it would seem it’s more of a way for Angie to somehow be saved from the wrath of Patrick. The plotline involving Patrick isn’t quite as great as it’s been in the past, and it’s about time Patrick’s endgame becomes obvious. Lynette is now in serious danger, but like Susan at the end of season one, I can’t imagine anything is going to happen to her. Angie may be vulnerable, but the other housewives are likely safe, both in terms of staying alive and livelihood.

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