Monday, May 3, 2010

What I’m Watching: Flash Forward

Flash Forward: Season 1, Episode 18 “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” (B-)

So Janis isn’t really a mole, at least not for the bad guys. Instead, the shiest of all the FBI agents is actually a triple agent, contacted by the real good guys before the bad guys talked to her to warn her and prepare her to be used as a spy spying on the guys who thinks she’s spying for them. It’s not actually as confusing as I’ve just written it here, but I don’t think poor Janice seems capable of keeping up with it. At least it was finally addressed and explained that she was a mole, but I still don’t fully buy it. I do like the fact that Vogel is the one who serves as her handler, since it’s always good to have someone on the inside helping out a triple agent. It also serves to solidify the fact that Vogel is a good guy, even though he’s from another department and often seems like he wants to hold the whole investigation up. I will say that I am absolutely thrilled about the new character played by James Callis, Gabriel. Callis is fascinating in such a different role, and it’s such a completely intriguing character. I’m not as sure why Vreede is bringing Olivia around with him as if she’s an actual agent and not a civilian. I’m eager to see how Gabriel connects to everything, and whether his constant flashing forward has led to his time-traveling and therefore appearing in Olivia’s past as a result of his actions in the present. I’m very curious to see that, though I have a feeling that it won’t make as much sense as I think it will.

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