Saturday, May 15, 2010

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 1, Episode 18 “Laryngitis” (B+)

As has tended to be the case recently, the supporting characters are usually more interesting and entertaining than the leads. For once, Will takes a backseat, and even Rachel isn’t as front-and-center as she has been in the past few episodes. Instead we once again have a surprising infatuation on the part of Puck, who decides to try and get with the “black girl whose name he can’t remember” in order to regain his lost popularity following the shaving of his mohawk. His attempt to seduce her by talking about how blacks and Jews have historically worked together well was a lot of fun. Santana starting to like Puck just when Mercedes realized she might to was great, and their phone call song was very enjoyable. Another magnificent and unexpected interaction was that between Sue and Kurt, and I loved her subsequent conclusion that she would no longer stop to talk to students after their conversation. Kurt’s attempt to prove that he’s “not like a box – there are more than four sides to me” was interesting, and it was cool how Brittany became attracted to him as a result of his uncharacteristic song performance. Kurt’s dad saying “I’m good either way” to him was nice, and having Kurt put on this whole deception turned out to be a terrific ride. Finn telling Rachel that he likes her more than Jesse does was a wonderful moment, and it’s great that he helped give her some relief regarding her laryngitis. I especially liked the closing montage and thought that it worked extremely well.


  1. Yes I'm growing to love Chris Colfer's Kurt more and more.

    It was a fine episode, I wouldn't give it a B+, only B, but at least all the musical moments were in synch with the tone and the plotlines and the supporting players shone once again, as you said.

    That said, I'm beginning to feel that, although I fear those dinosaurs at the Emmys will react to this like they do to True Blood, Glee will fare well and will get more than just the obvious nomination (Lynch) at the Emmys. I'm currently betting 3, but one of them will be a total surprise (Mays or Colfer? Or Monteith?), alongside Michele and Lynch.

  2. my favorite part of the episode was Finn singing "Jesse's girl". I wondered if they named him Jesse just for that song or if it was just a coincidence

  3. Jorge, I wouldn't count on any of the people you mentioned as surprises being nominated - more likely Morrison than any of them - but also I wouldn't be sure about Michele and Lynch. Regarding Lynch particularly, think about how many times deserving actresses like Jenna Fischer and Jane Krakowski didn't get nominated in that category. Her Golden Globe nod does help, though, and I think she'll make it. In the supporting category, there are just two many "Modern Family" guys plus all the regulars for there to be room for "Glee" men.

  4. Hey you're probably right. I can't see those dinosaurs ditching Cryer, Piven and Wilson in the sup. actor category to accomodate better performances. Oh well.

    Lea Michele and Jane Lynch are, in my opinion, a given. It would shock me a bit if they weren't nominated.

    Because in Best Actress, Falco, Colette and Fey are in for sure, which leaves us with 3 places to fill and 3-4 people to choose from (and I'm betting perennial nominee Mary Louise Parker and the hot new thing from the block - that'd be Michele - occupy 2 of the 3 spots, leaving us with the doubt: Poehler, Louis-Dreyfus or Courteney Cox?)
