Saturday, May 29, 2010

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 1, Episode 20 “Theatricality” (B+)

I can’t say that I’m a Lady Gaga fan by any stretch of the imagination or even that I’m terribly familiar with her music, but this glee club sure knows how to put on a show. The most commendable success of this episode is making “Poker Face” sound good by leaving it to two actresses with beautiful voices to sing a more melodic version of the song. It’s also nice to give suspected vampire Tina the opportunity to express herself and take on a more prominent role in some of the numbers. More so than any of the previous episodes, the title of this installment really works to fully define everything that happens in the episode, which also provides an impromptu performance by Idina Menzel and a fun scene with Tina threatening Principal Figgins in order to continue to be able to wear her goth getup to school. Finn’s ultimate move to defend Kurt was also a fun gesture that is defined by theatricality. While some may complain that it feels too much like an after-school special explaining why diversity should be accepted, I found that storyline to be more effective than it’s been in the past. Kurt’s dad chewing Finn out for insulting Kurt in his house was a particularly powerful scene, the likes of which haven’t really be seen on this show up until now. I’ve heard from fellow viewers that they were disappointed by the absence of Sue Sylvester in this hour, and while I’d love to see her back next week, I think this one shows that this show is able to go on even without its head cheerleader.

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