Saturday, May 1, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 19 “Boom” (B+)

It’s great for this show to have a semi-villain who’s not actually a bad guy but rather a rival lawyer hell bent on tarnishing the good name of Lockhart and Gardner. Jonas Stern is certainly a bit extravagant at times, but when he’s not constantly interrupted by the inane objections of another lawyer, he really knows his stuff. His initial conversation with Alicia about not disclosing his condition was particularly intense, and he certainly knows how to make someone feel like they know nothing. I was shocked at how Alicia decided to proceed, purposely distracting him so that his incompetence would reveal itself. Jonas yelling at the judge to give him a minute was even more surprising, and that’s certainly not something any lawyer ever wants to do. The lawyer with the most cutthroat tactic, however, was the usually less-seen Cary. The way he told the lawyer who tried to poach him that there was no job for her at his firm was brilliant, and the fact that she needed to pour out her coffee in order to throw a less steaming cup of water in his face was telling of the extent of her anger. Peter’s attempt to get religion has now turned into him using his time at a church as a chance to secretly meet with people, which shouldn’t be too unexpected. When he reached over to rip the wire off the guy’s chest, I was sure he was going to beat him senseless. Seeing him run out of the church with his shirt still unbuttoned was quite powerful, and having Alicia see that too was definitely not a good thing. Her decision to go out with Will and leave Peter home by himself was a particularly hurtful revenge move, and the renewed instability of their marriage is definitely not going to have a positive effect on Peter’s case.

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