Sunday, May 16, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 21 “Unplugged” (B+)

Having things take a turn for the more serious in terms of the economic state of the firm is a good way of stepping up the pace on this show. It’s especially true in terms of the season-long competition between Alicia and Cary for the long-term position of junior associate. The difference in their attitudes towards campaigning from their longevity becomes ever clearer here as they both discover what’s in store for them regarding the partners’ impending decision. Alicia’s reluctance to go too far is interesting and shows her humanity, compared to Cary’s hardcore efforts to make friends all around the office. Having Alan Cumming’s Eli Gold be the saving grace for both Alicia and the firm was excellent, and I’ll be very happy to have more of him around. That final scene with Cary looking so cocky and then giving Alicia a death glare was intense and very well done. The progression of Kalinda’s own personal life as intertwined with her professional one is quite interesting, and she’s really a very intriguing character to watch. The case this episode related to the two spouses trying to control the status of their husband was engaging, and the judge’s emphasis that no one seemed to be looking out for his own goodwill made for a very good point. My favorite part was the judge having to remind both defense and prosecution that there’s no jury, and that their spirited speeches were over-the-top. Having the true criminal be the manager worked well in order to underline the two women’s feelings for the man they both love.

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