Thursday, May 20, 2010

What I’m Watching: Gravity

Gravity: Season 1, Episode 4 “Old People Creep Me Out” (B+)

I’m starting to enjoy this show much more than I had initially thought I would. Its quirkiness is really its best asset, but keeping that peculiarity subdued helps it continue to work. A character whose prominence on the show initially gave me pause has turned out to be one of its most fantastic assets, and that’s Detective Miller. His eagerness to go track down Lilly with Robert (in Robert’s car) and break into his apartment is fun, but what really makes him invaluable to the show is his rather aggressive attempts to deal with evading his tax collection which go from giving the guy a hard time over the phone to threatening him by placing child pornography on his computer. His motives for stalking Lilly still aren’t quite clear, but I’m definitely very intrigued to see what happens next with him. Lilly rolling her eyes when he repeats his line from last episode asking her whether she wants the truth or the lie was great. Lilly and Robert talking really closely but not actually making out further explores their very interesting relationship. It’s also nice to see other members of the group bonding during an impromptu “Harold and Maude” reenactment as well. Carla making a pot brownie pie with the pot that she got from “the nice blacks in Harlem” was great, and I absolutely loved the look on Lilly’s face when she smelled it. I also enjoyed the goth paparazzi mocking Robert after his mother left crying and the sardonic Dogg agreeing to race one of the old people.

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