Thursday, May 27, 2010

What I’m Watching: Gravity

Gravity: Season 1, Episode 5 “Love At First Suicide” (B+)

I’m really starting to get into this show. The main thing that’s hooking me is that the characters who hadn’t done much for me to this point are now being given more to do and are really coming into their own as compelling personalities. Seeing a bit more of background group members like Adam and Shawna is one example, but I’m mostly speaking about Robert and his newfound ability to show emotion. Miller calling him up and telling him much too personal information led to Robert commenting on his openness and his suspicion that Miller would tell him these things even if he were the janitor. Robert getting amped up and excitedly boxing in the air when he met Lilly on the street was the most fun, especially given Lilly’s annoyed reaction. Father Anthony having no patience for Robert’s confession was no surprise, but they did share a true moment of comfort when Robert said that he sinned by trying to commit suicide, though it was of course short-lived because the gambling addict had to run to get a ride to the World Series of Poker. Lilly coming clean with Robert and saying that he wished he knew her back then was a really wonderful moment, and I’m loving their relationship, even if one Detective Miller isn’t too pleased. The romance between Adam and Shawna, despite their age difference and the awkwardness with which it began, is actually working quite well, and it was great to see Shawna stick up for Adam when his father referred to his suicide attempt as a “situation.” Their exchange of “be my life coach” / “be my twitician” was truly touching, and I’m looking forward to seeing their romance develop further. While it wasn’t explored in depth here, I enjoyed the quick video of Dogg taunting the guy he beat in the wheelchair race from last episode.

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