Monday, May 10, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 22 “Airport 2010” (B+)

Gathering the entire family at the airport is clearly going to cause some problems, but it’s definitely a good inspiration for an episode. Jay’s idea of a perfect vacation was completely opposite from what Gloria had planned as she revealed surprise after surprise, but in the end, it turns out that it’s exactly what he wanted. A drunken Claire did of course help him realize that, but he didn’t seem to fully get it until Gloria informed him that the two of them were staying an extra few days and going to a topless beach. Phil and Mitchell driving home together was funny, especially because it becomes so clear that Mitchell and Claire are so alike. As it turns out, Phil and Cam seem to have the sentiments which work directly in opposition to those of their partners. I loved Phil’s declaration that every realtor is just “a ninja in a blazer,” moments before purporting to be clueless, or rather not leaving a clue behind when he breaks into a place. Haley and Alex fighting over the same guy was amusing, mostly since they rarely get much screen time, and the fact that he turned out to be fourteen and Alex was on the floor laughing while Haley was mortified proved to be a great turn of events. Manny being on the no-fly list seems preposterous, but his unflinching reaction to the questioning made it all worth it, best exemplified by his response that he was four years old when he allegedly committed some crime in 2003.

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