Monday, May 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 23 “Hawaii” (B+)

A family vacation is just what this bunch needs, and the fact that it’s able to fit into one half-hour installment and not feel at all incomplete says a lot about this show. Taking a trip isn’t a cheap trick employed to create a celebratory episode of this show, and it works well as just another above-average entry in the first season’s catalog of terrific episodes. From Manny’s proclamation of “I’m home” to Phil throwing Haley’s cell phone into the water to Cameron and Mitchell traipsing around the jungle trying to find their missing daughter decked out in camouflage, this was one humorous episode. Jay’s desire to work out and stay in shape following the frightening conversation with his brother about being the same age his father was when he died was entertaining, and Gloria confessing that she had thought that marrying an old man would mean she would be able to relax was hilarious. Luke and Manny not getting along as roommates was fun, and so was Haley getting drunk and Claire having to deal with that. Phil constantly trying to make it seem like their honeymoon was great, and it’s wonderful that it actually worked out in the end and turned into a very romantic wedding ceremony. Mitchell’s desire to go see all of the boring things and Cameron’s refusal to stand for it anymore turned out to be very funny, and one of the most entertaining moments was Phil trying to get the kids out of his hands but refusing to even try to sell them on Mitchell’s latest pitch.

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