Friday, May 7, 2010

What I’m Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 7, Episode 21 “Obsession” (B+)

This episode is interesting because it gives Tony not one but two peculiar romances, and neither is particularly private, especially compared to his season-long undercover operation from a few years ago with Jeanne. His initial Facebook relationship with a woman he only spent one night with made some for some entertaining chatter from the likes of Ziva and McGee, and Tony being the butt of a joke is always fun. The difference in this episode is that Tony really wasn’t himself, since he couldn’t even crack a smile when Ziva made an explicit movie reference when she found him in the reporter’s house. Ultimately, Tony ended up doing a good job, so his disconnect for the majority of the episode wasn’t so bad. The return of the ferociously annoying Margaret is never something I’m excited about, and I’m once again infuriated by her constant referring to Gibbs as “Mr. Gibbs.” He’s a special agent! Doesn’t he deserve some respect? Gibbs did have a terrific comeback to her entering his basement: “I need to finish this – you never know when I may need to saw a woman in half.” I liked the bonding between Abby and the international gentleman visiting her lab, and also how it led to renewed slightly jealous conversation between Abby and McGee. I was entertained by Abby’s loving one word – which turned out to be “symposium” rather than “Alejandro” – and McGee presuming that he wants to see all of her new tattoos, leading to Abby suggesting that she has a new one that McGee will never see. Their romance never quite occurred, but I definitely liked the insinuation that there might be something there.

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