Thursday, May 20, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Pacific (Miniseries Finale)

The Pacific: Season 1, Episode 10 “Home” (B+)

The conclusion of this ten-part trip back in time to World War II proves fitting as a sendoff for and final tribute to these characters. Having surrender announced abruptly and skipping directly to all of the marines heading home makes for great drama and an insightful immersion into their lives back home. Leckie’s initial return seems like itw on’t work out too well since he’s told that he should have called first and there’s barely a place for him to sleep. His initiative, however, ends up helping him considerably and he’s able to go back and demand his job as a sports reporter at the newspaper back. Asking Vera out in front of her date was another bold move that paid off as well and enabled him to score a dinner date with her that very night (and a life spent together, as it turns out). It’s also very interesting to learn that Leckie never sent any of his letters because he wasn’t sure he’d make it back. Basilone’s widow coming to visit his family was a particularly moving scene. Her desire to simply give his family a piece of him rather than ask for money was also quite touching. Sledge’s conversation regarding his employment was powerful: “isn’t there anything the Marine Corps taught you?” / “they taught me how to kill Japs – I got pretty damn good at it.” The portrait of the ensuing times of Sledge’s life was an intriguing way to see how he broke down, but I think the way the episode ended was a wise move. Bringing these characters to life by finishing their stories make it an even more intimate experience. Expect this one to collect a bunch of Emmys at the end of August.

Miniseries grade: A-

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